Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Kicking Up Sand & Soaking Up Sun

Well, we went to the beach a while back and I finally got around to proofing some pictures. I love how they turned out. I think I'm slowly discovering that I like bold, vibrant colors. And, of course, I had to add the token black and white photo (I love black and white). I can't wait to get my new camera and be able to photograph other people, too. I'm scared, but I think I'll also have a good time. The biggest worry I have right now is that perhaps I'm not really good enough to do this professionally. I keep freaking myself out by questioning over and over, "What if all the good pictures I've taken were just flukes? Maybe I just got lucky and I won't actually be able to take good pictures when I've only got a one hour session to produce them." Oh well, the only way I'll know is by trying. I like to think I've got what it takes to be a professional photographer, but then those other freaky thoughts squeeze their way in and I'm a nervous wreck again. Okay, enough about my inner photography struggles. Let's get back to the pictures of our cute little Bugga. :)

Hmmm...this is where better equipment would come in handy. A good flash could have handled those wicked shadows on his face nicely.

Taken just before he popped up and stuffed those two fistfuls of sand into his mouth for a nice snack. :)

4 Comment(s):

Scott and Karin January 16, 2008 at 1:40 PM  

Liz, you are VERY good! I'm impressed! And you haven't taken any formal classes? Awesome! Good luck!

ps-don't you just love photoshop?

Anonymous January 16, 2008 at 8:00 PM  

I can tell from the shadows that you actually have side-lighting going on here. I actually don't think the shadows are that bad. If you didn't have any, the image would look too flat and static. This gives a nice 3-D feel. What time of day did you take these?

Bright, open sunshine and a flash is tricky, you usually have to be a little farther away to not blow things out.

Try again, just before the sun sets, make sure you are looking into the sun, and your subject is covering it, turn on the flash and shoot! Good luck.

P.S. I love the bold color! Could this be your style?!

Megan January 16, 2008 at 9:26 PM  

I am addicted to your website!! I check it all the time! I love what you did with the color on these. Don't second guess yourself... you might spend an hour shooting, but then the hours + you put into proofing will make your pictures amazing, like these. I love it. Go Liz!

Megan January 16, 2008 at 9:33 PM  

Ok- I just had to add that after I posted I checked my blog before turning off the computer and YOU had just posted on my picture while I was posting on yours!! Great minds think alike. We should go into business- we'd be great! And I think that they send the battery to you a little charged so that you can play around with it for a while. Charge it while your sleeping so it will be ready to go in the morning. I am so excited for you!!!

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Please remember that not all computer screens are created equal. Rest assured that your pictures will be of the highest quality with perfect color blending courtesy of my professionally calibrated computer screen.


"There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are." -Ernst Haas

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