Saturday, December 31, 2011

PSA: the end . . . for a long while, anyway.

**This is a sticky post.  All new blog updates can be found below this permanent announcement.**

Lizzie Jane Photography is no longer scheduling photo sessions.  Liz is on a photography hiatus until her kids graduate from homeschool high school.  :D  Liz would like to focus on her munchkins while they are still in their formative years (and still like to hug and kiss her).  She wants to read with them, play with them, talk with them, cook with them, explore with them, cuddle with them, laugh with them, sing with them, dance with them, experiment with them, travel with them, and just generally soak them all up and bask in their fleeting youth.  Liz loves her kids more than photography, which is why she has to give up something she loves for something she loves more.

*Note from Liz: to any and all who have recently mentioned scheduling a photo session with me in the near future, I offer my sincere apologies and beg for your forgiveness and understanding.  I also wish I could recommend another photographer for you, but I don't know any in this area.  Sorry!

1 Comment(s):

Lyric October 4, 2011 at 9:08 AM  

My family burned you out eh? ;). Kidding. So glad we got to experience your magic before you stopped. Enjoy your boys! They have one amazing mamma. xo

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Please remember that not all computer screens are created equal. Rest assured that your pictures will be of the highest quality with perfect color blending courtesy of my professionally calibrated computer screen.


"There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are." -Ernst Haas

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